The Origins of the Calabrian Monks and the Location of the Holy Grail
Calabrian monks left for Francia in 1070 AD. Upon their arrival the
Angevin dynasty welcomed them with open arms, providing land and
finance. They go on to build the Abbey at Orval (still going) and form
the Order of Sion which leads to the formation of the Knights Templar
all within just a few decades. Who these Calabrian monks were is
explained further in my book.
Within the last few days my
younger brother Andrew Colosimo and father took a dangerous car ride
and hike into the mountains of Calabria. The abbey of Saint Angelo,
just a few miles from Mesoraca (speculated as meaning the mid-point of
the fools journey from the comprising Greek and Aramaic sub-words), had
much support from successive popes from the 11th to the 13th centuries
including support from famous Calabrian mystic, Joachim of Fiore. In
the end the support from the Vatican turned to scrutiny and their many
manuscripts were stolen by the Vatican. These are now believed to inhabit
the Vatican secret archives and may even be the origin of the secret archive itself. This is explained further in my book.
he found at this site is intriguing and I will only reveal a part of it
here. This site has not been subject to any serious archaeological
excavations nor perhaps even any excavation of any kind as far as we
can tell.
the hike and in an attempt to find what is a
very difficult to find set of ruins he asked a local shepherd who owned
the land. He allowed them to pass, pointing out the way to go, but he
warned them about the bees. Indeed, the ruins and local area were
overrun with swarms of bees. For those that have read my book or are
familiar with Grail mythology and the guardianship provided by the bees
then this infestation should be of no surprise. The famous Rosslyn
chapel near Edinburgh (associated with the Knights Templar) had
purposely built features for
bees to create hives within the structure. The Merovingian Kings
revered bees as described in my book.
So here is as much as I am
going to say and show for now. Do you think it is possible to find the
Grail? That which has eluded discovery and capture for most of the last
two thousand years? I know, you couldn't make this up. Not even close.

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